Saturday, December 7, 2013

Arvind Kejriwal: Win Or Loose?

Arvind Kejriwal founder of AAP (Aam Aadmi Party) is contesting Delhi’s state assembly election for the first time and he is one of the most discussed people in social media, mainstream media and among the youth nowadays. Once he was awarded the title of corruption crusader and a massive movement for the for Jan Lokpal leaded by him and brought the central government on the back foot and was one of the most admired characters in the middle class families.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Every time his name came into media I always think who is he? There are several images for him like a corruption crusader, an ambitious politician or an outspoken person but for me as an individual I admired him not because of his talents or humble gesture which I personally felt few months back, but because one reason. He is person who dares to challenge the equations of Delhi’s power corridors. Many people may criticize him over many issues but one thing is very evident that there is general feeling of acceptance to his leadership especially in metros, those who don’t want to believe, I have one single argument, when government ordered probe alleged foreign funding to the Aam Aadmi Party its donation increases six times (Reference News). These peoples do not come from mars or neither any foreign national have so keen interest to fund any political party who is just contesting a state assembly election.

Let’s go in brief history about the his political career in which there are two schools of mind, few thinks that it is an political obligation for him, If you want to bring change you have to be the part of system however it is, another thought process is to do every bit in order to change the system or the process without getting directly involved in it, but my personal view is if you really seek change you have to be involved in it. May be this thought provoked Arvind ji to form a party and take the corruption problem head on and defeat as far he has promoted his image.

Now Delhi’s voter have sealed the fate of AAP and next political outcome, but one thing thing is certain, this election result will send shock waves to across the nation. In my personal view if AAP makes a clean sweep it will send a message to every political party if they do not indulge in constructive politics or they are not serious about corruption they can be marginalized by a group who is well organized however infant they are in politics. If they win significant seats then also conventional politics of India will receive a setback just as it receive in 1977 when congress was thought  as an undefeated party. If AAP looses this election and not able win a single seat in the assembly election then they will termed as people who tried but not able to influence the mass, but in last case also I will certainly respect and honored the peoples related to AAP as stated by Sir Albert Einstein “The high destiny of the individual is to serve rather than to rule.” On 8th December the whole story will be uncovered.

Today I had a very pleasant encounter when I was returning to my home finishing my shift around 10:00 PM, there were six people in my office cab and there was stunned silence in it, nobody knows the other person in the cab and everybody was in a rush to reach home as it was Friday. I was sitting in the front seat adjacent to driver and suddenly he asked me about the today’s date. I replied in a cold gesture, and then he followed up with another question and that was "When the election results are coming?" I looked at him at smile and asked a sarcastic question, Did you vote this time? " He replied as yes and I told him that election results are coming on 8th of December. Out of curiosity I asked him whom did he vote, his reply was AAP, I was not very surprised, but as he replied my rest of the cab colleagues started appreciating him suddenly the stunned silence in the cab was replaced by electrifying moment and later I found that everybody in the cab (excluding me) has voted for AAP and the amazing part was that they didn't even know the candidate name of AAP from their respective constituencies. Today first time I thought AAP may gain a lot from this assembly election because the enthusiasm on the cab driver on the corporate executives was same although they belong to different regions of Delhi. I am also eagerly waiting for the election results and wish “All the best to Mr. Arvind Kejriwal”.