Monday, December 8, 2014

The easy way out: Ban Uber

Again Delhi is in a media lime light for a heinous crime. A cab driver of Uber has been accused of this crime. These frequently happening despicable incidents triggers alarms bells in our society and bound us to think when will be our metropolitan cities will be safe for women.

Unfortunately nobody has any idea, this issue has become a political gimmick in our nation. Nobody wants to address the core issue of women safety, they just want to do anything to ease pressure from media and public, banning of Uber services just represent this thought process. Authorities are very brave and bold to take the most easy way, Ban it. It is also perfect way cover up your own failures and regardless of whatever we do with start up's, we gonna still campaign for "Make in India".

In my view when Uber has initially started its service, then why not its operational architecture or management was questioned? Why not guidelines were laid down for operations? Why always authorities have to wait for terrible incident to happen in order to act? I do have used Uber cab services many times. One will astonished to know many drivers left there conventional jobs, what we called in our society a good job then to being driver, in order to support their and their families rising financial needs. A day I took an Uber cab to go back home from my office and I was amazed to know the driver was well educated and used to work in a private bank where he gets only 22K per month as salary. He left his job and and joined the Uber fleet now he earns upto 35K-40K per month. As per Indian standards of society a bank job is far better than a drivers job even though how much less you earn or however hectic or intolerable your working conditions may be. He defy the conventions laid down by the society and make a choice for the betterment of his and his family but failed to comply the incompetence of our system now he has to pay the price of being unemployed.

Media reports are indicating that the accused is a repeat offender but did get police clearance anyhow. if this is true, it clearly indicate the lapses in our system. however the Delhi police did a commendable job  by arresting the accused in short span of time. I have only questions for policy makers did they really thought about drivers who actually did there job in best possible way to facilitate their customers. Before coming to conclusion over banning a complete fleet of any cab service, do a survey how many people are actually comfortable to hire a private cab. it is always an easy way to abandoned the entire system or ban the complete organization but who will pay the price, authorities travelling in red beacon's or the end customer or the people now employed by the decision. Why not opting the hard way, that they introspect the system fix the loop-holes and laid down stringent policies which will benefit all. After all our PM also quote regularly 'Sabka sath sabka vikash'

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Media Justice

Recent Rohtak eve teasing incident shows the diminishing values of human behavior and degrading aspects of law and order. The bravery shown by the girls is also very commendable.  Keeping all these things in my mind I want draw the attention towards a dangerous pattern evolving in our society, nowadays we are so impatient for justice and have a mad rush for questioning the authorities or our system, that one day it will lead to a disaster.

This story is getting covered on all news channel as headlines and in the manner it is being presented is not very appropriate. Less than 48 hours have passed and the accused have been already rejected by the Indian army, Announcements have been made to honor the girls on the republic day (source: TOI). Everybody is in some kind of conclusive mood over the incidents as the accused has been proven guilty and heroic behavior of the girls is being treated as a turning point in the transformation of our society. I am not saying not to applaud anybody’s resistance towards any injustice but at least one can refrain itself from jumping at a conclusion without a fair trial of the accused.

All this hue and cry defies the principle of, law of natural justice which grant every accused, right for a fair hearing. We have seen in past that hype has been created for any incident and post investigation the truth was entirely different. I advise my readers before making any decision or reacting over this incident on social media always remember that there are three versions of a story, my version, your version and the truth. Let the trial carry out.

Eve teasing or any other incident undermining dignity of a women is very unfortunate and perpetrators involve in such incidents should get severe punishments, but being part of a civilized society please don’t get carried away by a media justice.