Monday, January 26, 2015

The Republic Day

Today on 26th January we had celebrated 66th republic day of our beloved nation. A day mostly regarded as national holiday and when it falls on a weekend, it’s a heart break for many of us as we lose a vacation. This time it was a party time because it fell on Monday and provides us the luxury of extended weekend. As we all know this day our constitution came into force and it not only granted our rights but also pledged to protect them in every circumstance.

As per definition republic means ” a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives”  but to understand this term to we need to travel in time, starting from 320 BC when a roman philosopher Socrates  coined this term while discussing about various forms of justice with his favorite student Plato .Later on Plato compiled his own thoughts and teachings from Socrates in his famous book “The Republic” which is still regarded as one of the greatest books in the history of human civilization till date.

In medieval period when renaissance was its peak which started as a cultural movement but impacted the political and economic system all across the western world. People were outraged by their sufferings and insensitivity of their rulers towards them, which led to various revolutions in Europe and it, resulted establishing various republican nations in the world. This transformation was well quoted by a French poet Victor Hugo in his lines “No power can stop an idea whose time has come”. That time it was the idea of equality, liberty and freedom dominated the world, and I pray it should always remain the dominant one.
Here in India people were still leaving under the rule of monarchs later on the we were under a colonial rule. In 1857 people made an attempt to snatch the power from the British in a hope to revive there rights but failed. Since 1857 numerous revolutionaries shred there conventional life and step into a path of struggle so that they can enlighten the life of Indians. Once Bhagat Singh said “One individual may die for an idea; but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a thousand lives. That is how the wheel of evolution moves on and the ideas and dreams of one nation are bequeathed to the next”. This liberty by virtue of which we live in a so comfortable and peaceful life had come at a great cost. Many have died protecting or nourishing this idea and this date also this liberty is preserved by those who march past on Raj-path and salute this great nation in an absolute sublimity. In my opinion it’s our necessity not only preserve this freedom and liberty but also fix the loopholes in it which are somehow hampering our own prosperity. I think it is the only to pay real homage to all those pure spirits who presented us this way of life in which “We the people” have a stake in decision.

 We should celebrate this day more actively than our birthdays since on our birthday's we were just born, but on this day we were acknowledged with all freedoms and rights. This day not only guarantees the rights of millions today but also to the unborn millions yet to come.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The much awaited contest: Delhi Assembly Election

The voters of Delhi should feel very proud that they have transformed the political discourse of this nation. You have two people in Chief Ministerial race, who came from an anti-corruption movement launched by Shri Anna Hajare. The last year victory of AAP had install a sense of conscience in all major parties that there traditional style of politics won’t work anymore. The BJP is forced to land Mrs Kiran Bedi and project her as the CM candidate, an iconic personality and moreover she led a furious movement for Janlokpal. All credit goes to voters of Delhi.

I recalled a dialogue from a Bollywood movie that “It is easy to choose between a good and a bad but very difficult to choose between two bad”, but the people of Delhi has to choose between two goods, purely amazing. Now everybody will vote according to his will and judgment but it will be very interesting to see to results. In 2013 AAP was not just a party, it was a revolution. There was a wave in favor of them, I can’t comment on current scenario, with which party the public opinion is aligned, but certainly I want to interpret the outcomes with my little knowledge.

Source: India Today
 AAP Wins: Considering the case where AAP gets a majority, it will boost the enthusiasm and energy in their party cadres across the nation and probably all coming assembly election see emergence of AAP. They will get a national platform to perform, if they able to perform well in administering Delhi, there popularity will increase exponentially as they will get the complete media coverage because of the location. Down the line it is highly possible scenario that people may see them or they can eventually become the only political party who can counter BJP. It is certainly a pretty bad case for regional, secular and caste based political parties. There mere existence will be at stake.

Source: India Today
BJP Wins: This will send certainly relax opposition parties that they are still in game and are not replaced by AAP. They will defeat BJP one day. But here it will create a slight confusion in my mind, to whom BJP will give the credit of victory? Modi wave or clean image of Kiran Bedi? Interestingly it will also be an outcome to watch. Although I have no doubt about the leadership of Mrs Kiran Bedi or any other leader irrespective of their party. Victory of BJP may have a positive outcome since if same party is in center and state, experts say then there is much more synchronization and high level of co-operation in decision making process. By this logic the development of state may expedite. But our PM has made it very clear that in the process of development political differences will be step aside.

No matter Who so ever wins this election , but certainly ,stakes are very high. Congress is fighting for its survival, BJP want to prove that NaMo charisma still dominate and for AAP they have establish themselves as a viable and credible option. Stage is set for another historical verdict by the people. I will urge every Delhiites go out and participates and contribute in creation of this history. You have got the chance and the power to change the entire political debate of this nation. Go for it.