Sunday, May 25, 2014

Losing My Left

In this general election things have changed drastically in political spectrum on India, it has shifted from parliamentary form of election to a presidential form of campaigning. But in this whole exercise, I want to bring attention on one of the outcome of this election i.e. loosing of the left philosophy dynamically in India which can be well explained by the below graph.

 This philosophy gives us cold war. It raises the voice for workers and peasant which comprises the majority population of world as well as India and you like it or not, post industrialization in the modern world due to birth of this very own philosophy the labor laws were advocate and in today’s world every developed and developing nation gives values to this basic idea of labors or workers right and upheld its values by law in various forms.
In India the journey of left is mix with bullet and ballot. When in 1957 the first left government was elected in Kerala. It was the first time in entire world when the leftist have seized the power by a democratic process and it send a strong message of emergence and acceptance of this philosophy in India. Sino-Indo war 1962 war created a split in communist party of India. One section of communist favors China and one section adopted the philosophy of nationalism. The one who where in support of china did so on the basis of ideological basis of communism, the one who opposes did so on the basis of their own idea of nationalism first and then followed by communism. Everyone is entitled for their opinion, but now since 1957 in the history of 57 years the grounds for left is shrinking. Now look at their performance in recent election, they are reduced to 3.2% vote share and with 10 seats to represent. Certainly this number is not going to help in their objective and keeping their acceptance level in general public, in future also I don’t see any improvement either. Although I am not a very representing voice but trust me you are no longer the point of conversation in drawing room of middle class or topic of conversation in farmers sitting under a banyan tree, it doesn't matter how true and committed your ideology is towards workers and farmers.

Nobody can deny the fact that left government has always pushed for land reforms and put their best efforts to abolish caste ism and feudal infrastructure. For the left which participate in elections it’s high time for them to introspect that what went wrong? or they will turn into history. You cannot only roam around a secular ring and think it will revive your fortune. What humor is this that in India more than 1 million people works in IT industry and they are not in the purview of any labor or employment law. Did you ever confront the government in parliament over this issue? At least in my knowledge it never happened and yet you claimed that you pioneered in protecting the rights of labors or workers but you enthusiastically participate in secular debates. I have one request for you don’t evolve around communal ring, it is very important that India must remain secular but in socialism or communism ideology, religion in non existence. You are it making it communal by arguing about certain community, which can be evidently perceived by your election manifesto.
The violent form of left emerges when Charu Mazumdar and Kanu Sanyal adopted the path of bullet to change this system. If I take the violence form of left (i.e. Naxallite Movement), it is also not finding the place in drawing room discussions of the general public, they only see soldiers getting killed by armed extremist whatever your noble cause may be and I do share the same opinion. Still some time I get mesmerized by the lines of a revolutionary poet Gorakh pandey who also inspired the life of Anuradha Gandhy (a naxallite leader) :
It’s thousands of years old
Their anger
Thousands of years old
is their bitterness
I am only returning their scattered words
With rhyme and rhythm
And you fear that
I am spreading fire.

For them I have only one request please drop your weapons, your own founder Kannu Snayal committed suicide raising question about the current movement of extreme leftist. In the land of Gandhi and Buddha, if someone thinks that since he get inspired by the ideas of Mao, Lenin and Stalin and believe that the same idea will nourish and get a mass acceptance in this land, you are mistaken. They are great leaders but there idea work for their own nation but it doesn't mean it is universal and moreover people in this country needs improvement in current system, they don't want to completely change the system, they still have trust in current running system for justice.

It has been said that an idea never dies, it prevails in different forms. May be your all ideas or philosophy will someday partially or fully absorbed by one or more political parties which in my view be great thing but how absurd is this, that someone who claims to be a pioneered of something turns out they were not, they were only rich of words but someone else implement their idea on  the ground level. That will be your end, and if I am not wrong it has already started. Please get together in non violent movement, in India there are thousands of peasant and workers still residing and they want that there voice to be heard in parliament in same furious manner in which you claimed to advocate. It’s hard to see such a dissenting philosophy of modern world slowly dying.

The data shown in the graph can have the variance of +- 10%.

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